Monday, February 12, 2018

Natalie on Star-Crossed Lovers

Star-Crossed Lovers (Natalie Hyska)

Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet are two similar stories that we are all familiar with. Two young star crossed lovers who are forbidden by their families to be wed due to a family rivalry. This makes for a dramatic and wonderful play but what would it be like in today’s society. Both love stories end in tragic death but if these couples were in love in modern times would this still be their fate? What would their love story be like today? Themes in the stories are common in young adult’s lives now such as parental control, Rebellion, marriage, and of course the passion and love. Unfortunately, suicide is not an uncommon thing in our society today. In my personal opinion I think their love story is something very common in young adults today. Many parents have influence on their children’s romantic life and it wouldn’t be strange for a parent of a teenager to dislike the significant other. While it may not be because of a rivalry like in the stories I wouldn’t think it to be uncommon for a parent to be strict and disapprove of the relationship. Many children would rebel because their parents would not allow them to be with the person they love. As for marriage while it isn’t traditional we are seeing marriages occurring later in life. Lastly the suicide ending. While Pyramus and Thisbe didn’t off themselves for the exact same reason (Pyramus killing himself after thinking Thisbe was mauled by a lion and Thisbe killing herself after finding her love dead. And Romeo and Juliet making a suicide pact with poison.) Both couples ended in death and ultimately got their wish and are with each other for eternity.

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